Pirates Considering Spring Training Move

The Pittsburgh Pirates are considering moving their spring training for next year to the African country of Somalia, and will be exploring starting it's own professional baseball league in the country.  In a statement released to BasesLoadedBalk, the front office claims that the move is based on several solid reasons.

  1. McKechnie Park is old.  We have been playing in that facility for 38 years, and it hasn't been renovated since 1993.
  2. Nobody even knows where Bradenton is.  Seriously, can you tell me how to get to Bradenton without looking it up on your GPS? 
  3.  The country of Somalia is known for its great respect for pirates.  We want to play in a place where we will be respected for once.  Have you ever seen any pirates in Pittsburgh?  Didn't think so.
  4. Finally, we think we have a legitimate chance to contend in a sub-Saharan African professional baseball league. 
Pittsburgh management is also considering extending invitations to the Cubs, Royals, Mariners, Orioles, and Nationals to join their African baseball league.

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